How does The Swiftest work?
Only got a few minutes? We swiftly help you navigate through countless policies. We take the confusion out of purchasing insurance with unbiased and clear explanations. We let you know which providers create the happiest customers – making it easy as pie to find the one that’s right for you.
Our comparison tables provide you with multiple options from top providers at the most affordable prices on the market. Our SwiftScore™ system makes it effortless for you to find the insurance company that will best fit you and your family’s needs.
Once you find the right company, you can easily apply for your insurance policy via our partners website. We work hard to make sure our reviews are the most reliable and unbiased information on the Internet. If you have any questions or concerns, simply contact us, we’re happy to help!
We do your homework so you don’t have to
Informed answers
We use a proprietary algorithm called SwiftScore™ to methodically rank policies and providers in each insurance industry. We carefully sift through the pros and cons of each policy so you have immediate and highly informed answers.
Reliable quotes
We not only find the cheapest quotes, but we also provide you with much needed information on why each insurance policy is unique… And most importantly, which one will provide you with the best coverage and the best customer support in any given circumstance.
Crafted with love
We are a family-owned company who knows first hand how challenging finding insurance can be. We are passionate about honestly giving you the best options at the most affordable prices so that you and your loved ones feel taken care of.
Recent research studies
Death by Instagram Fueled Selfies: A Survey of 1,233 Instagram Users (2023)
Social media sites like Instagram are fundamentally altering the way we interact and engage with our world. We are more connected than ever, and the ability to share our lives can be great to keep in touch with friends and family. However, there is a darker side to social media. The way we interact with our digital spaces has come under scrutiny by many people who see dangerous trends becoming more and more common.
For this study, we surveyed 1,233 active Instagram users between the ages of 18-40. The goal was to get insight into how users interact with social media and the connection between engagement and risky behaviors.

The 50 Most (& Least) Deadly Travel Destinations
One crucial factor when planning an international trip is safety. From homicide rates to natural disaster risk, some countries pose a greater threat to safety than others. Our research team crunched numbers on seven safety risk factors for 50 of the most-visited countries to create our “Travel Safety Index”.
We combined a total of seven ranking factors including homicide deaths, road traffic deaths, poisoning deaths, death from poor hygiene conditions, communicable disease life years lost, injury life years lost, and the natural disaster risk index. Use our index to help inform yourself on where are the safest and most deadly travel destinations.

The 150 Most & Least Biodiverse Countries
Biodiversity is vital for our planet. However, over the past century the world has seen an unprecedented decline in biodiversity triggered by climate change, habitat loss, overexploitation, pollution, and pesticides. Consequently, we decided to take a deep dive look into how biodiversity compares around the globe in 2022. The results of our research are contained within this in-depth Global Biodiversity Index to shed light on where are the most & least biodiverse countries.
We combined a total of six ranking factors including the number of bird, amphibian, fish, mammal, reptile, fish, and plant species present in each country. Use our index to inform yourself on biodiversity across the world.

The 50 Most & Least Dog-Friendly Countries
The saying goes, “dogs are man’s best friend.” However, is this true internationally? The fact is, animal rights vary drastically around the world. In some countries, dogs are adored like children. In others, they’re eaten like chicken. Consequently, we decided to take a deep dive look into how canines are treated around the globe. The results of our research are contained within this in-depth Dog-Friendly Country Index to help you learn where is the best & worst country for owning or being a dog in 2022.
We combined a total of eight ranking factors including animal rights, pet-friendly hotels, veterinarian availability, risk of rabies, and the prevalence of dog meat consumption. Use our index to inform yourself on how different nations treat dogs.

These 36 World Cities Will Be Underwater First
There is little doubt our oceans are rising and cities will go under. It is no longer an issue of if but when. No one can predict exactly when, however, based on simple elevation maps, we can predict which major world cities are most likely to be underwater first.
226,000,000+ people in the 36 world cities on our list will be (or already are being) impacted by rising sea levels and frequent flooding. The maps we show depict the impact once sea levels rise 1.5 meters (5 ft) which is likely should global temperatures increase by 3°C (5.4°F).

The 150 Most Dog-Friendly U.S. Cities
Owning a dog comes with many rewards and challenges. Deciding which city is ideal for you and your pup can be tricky since it depends on so many factors. We’ve created the comprehensive Dog-Friendly Cities Index to help you determine which US city is best for owning a happy and healthy canine.
We combined a total of seven ranking factors including the relative number of dog parks, hiking trails, pet-friendly hotels, pet-friendly restaurants, availability of pet sitters, the number of dog-friendly rental properties, and the cost of pet insurance. Use our index to help guide your next relocation or interstate move.

67 Best & Worst Countries For Animal Rights
Animal rights laws vary greatly around the world. Animal rights activists argue that animals are sentient beings that deserve a life free from suffering. From recognition of animal sentience to fur-farming bans, many countries are taking a stand against animal cruelty any way they can. There are also other considerations that can impact animal health and welfare, such as pesticide use and meat consumption.
We gathered statistics from key international data sources in order to create this comprehensive “Animal Rights Index” which helps identify which countries are the best and worst for animal rights.

The importance of pet insurance
“Today, I would have decided to get pet insurance right after my Corgi’s bout with Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI). Because it wasn’t the EPI or even the Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) that killed Bosun. At age 11, just before he was to be fitted for a two-wheeled cart for his DM, he had a massive seizure we thought was caused by poisoning. X-rays showed the actual cause was an almond-sized tumor that was fast growing and not treatable except by expensive surgery. Even with a 20% chance of the tumor returning, we didn’t think twice about opting for the surgery. It ended up costing a bit more than $15,000 and wiped out our life’s savings.
~ Forrest Rambo (yes, that is his real name)

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